Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Haul! Primarni, Boots and more.

Hey my lovelies This post will be a haul on what I have picked up over the last 2 days (where I was shopping on both.) Firstly, I would like to add by sharing this I am in no way trying to show off, as most of this haul is from Primark I thought it may be helpful as unfortunately Primark doesn't have a website. 
I'll do clothing from Primark first:

I picked up this plain grey Halter Cami Top because I liked the simple style and thought it would be quite useful to start to stock up a little for Summer. It's actually quite baggy and floaty and has got a really soft material. I think this was £2.50.
Next I picked up this black dress which has a crochet pattern above the waist line and then a plain black skirt. I thought it was pretty and simple and very useful for the Summer time. I think these are also avaliable in white and coral, but I thought this would be more versatile. This was £5.

I then just picked up these pumps for pretty much no reason. I thought they would look nice for summer I guess, as they would go well with quite a lot of  outfits but now I'm not as sure on them. When I was trying them on, I was wearing very thick cosy socks, so they're also a little too big for me, but nothing I can't work with. These were £3.

Firstly, this is an awful picture and doesn't at all so the shape of this. It's a play suit that is covered with monochrome (I guess) Aztec print. It also has a cut out on the back which is super pretty. I thought again it would be nice for summer (re-occurring theme here.) This was £5.

Next it just the other bits I picked up in Primark:

This is the original photo which I've just attached because you can see the different items clearer.

This is the edited version so I can use it for my annotation 
A = Eyebrow pencil, mine is in the shade Medium. I picked this up as I like to try a wide range of different eyebrow pencils as I'm trying to update myself to one that really suits me, I doubt this one will work but for £1 I decided to give it a try.

B= A floral hair accessory. Now, I'm really late on the trend with this, I've seen so many different wacky variations you can do with these little things, so I thought it was about time a gave it a go. For those of you who don't know the concept, it's basically a piece of flexible wire encased with floral (in my case) material which you can wrap around you head and make things like bows on the top of your head. Bad explanation alert! This was £1.50

C= This is a hairbrush, can't remember what it is called but it's really spikey. Okay that was a bad start. I decided to buy this as I've seen loads of different people using it so I looked in my local SuperDrug and my local Boots (both of which are very small) for a small one and neither had any so I was pretty happy when I managed to find in Primark. This was £1.50.

D=  A nail polish in a light lilac colour which I thought looked gorgeous so .... it somehow slipped into my basket and then I accidentally might have bought it. It was £1 although I'm not expecting great quality.

E= Fake Nails, never really tried fake nails before as I know it can be very damaging to my nails and I also find it hard to find ones that fit me as I happen to have the most tiny hands which means I have really small nails as well. I picked these up because they were only £1 and maybe I could try and play around with them.

G= A Pink Jasmine candle because Jasmine is like my all time favourite scent and this candle is pink so I was pretty much immediately sold. This was £1.

That's all I bought from Primark! Next I went to Boots and picked up:

I got a Natural Collection lip stick in Crimson which I think looks really nice, it's just a plain classic red, but it is very red, if that makes any sense. This was only £1.99 (from Boots)! I can't find the actual link to this exact product online, sorry.

The foundation brush isn't actually from Boots, I'm not sure where it's from as I've been popping into so many different shops lately, because of this I'm also not sure of the price. It's really soft though, if that helps (which it doesn't.)

The Minx body spray was bought for my little sister as she likes body sprays and the title of this one reminded me off her, it also smells really nice. It was on sale in SuperDrug, can't remember the exact price but I think it was on sale or on some kind of offer.

The Canister is from a local store, not even sure why I bought this I just thought I could make it look nice in my bed room maybe holding something like nail varnishes? I really haven't thought this through so now I'm stuck with a Canister on my desk making me feel guilty. Great.

I got the £50 note rubber for no reason, I don't even need any more rubbers if I'm honest I just thought it looked cool. Yes, I do actually spend money on stuff like this. I think this was £1 from a local store.

Finally I bought I small green candle holder to hold my Yankee Candles as it looked like the perfect size (and it is.) It was something silly like 50p also from a local shop.

I will do a post on my L'Occitane goodies! I promise! I'm trying to find some time where I could squeeze writing blog in, but it will be coming really soon, so keep checking back for that. Hope you've enjoyed this blog post, literally has taken me forever to write all this out and do the photography.

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