Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Chit Chat, London and a Review!

Hello My Lovelies! I haven't posted in a couple of days because I've been quite busy with school work and when I wasn't doing that, it was my birthday. So around then I was doing things with family and friends so I didn't I didn't get the chance to sit down and take the time to blog. Anyway I just checked up on my view count and I'm so thrilled ! Thank you so much for 85 views. To say thank you I've decided to a review even though I really don't have the time right now.

So while I was on my Geography critical studies research trip in London, (we had to fill out some surveys about the area) I ventured into Canary Wharf with some friends I was with at the time. We had an hour to kill as we had already completed the survey, so it was only natural for us to go into a shopping centre. As we were strolling through I spotted a River Island shop so I went in a ended up buying some beautiful gold bird earings. As we were leaving there I found a Body Shop!

 Now, I really like The Body Shop, and lately I've had a lack of products from there as the closest one to where I live (which is 50 minutes away) has now closed. Just great. So when I saw it in Canary Wharf I pounced on it. I of course bought something, as whenever I do manage to go into a Body Shop (which is rare) I always do. I know this sounds very strange but I think their business is going into decline as they always have shops closing down and things on sale, so I'm trying to grab things while I can. I bought the nicest smelling hand sanitizer I have ever smelt! It's in the flavour Pink Grapefruit. 

As you may have guessed by now, this is a review on The Body Shop Pink Grapefruit Hand Cleanse Gel.

Body Shop:   http://www.thebodyshop.co.uk/index.aspx

So I haven't had it very long, I know, but I already LOVE this product. The gorgeous smell stays on my hands for quite a while after I've used it, and it makes me feel really clean, is that strange?

I've never actually owned a Body Shop Hand Cleanse Gel before, so I can't really compare, but my friends use them as an essential and they all have other scents. I borrow theirs quite frequently and I adore those too. I know for sure I will definitely be buying more of these, they're becoming a staple!

I am now currently getting lost in the joys of their online sale, if I were you I would check it out they have some really great bargains on there at the moment!

Ta ta for now,

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