Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Haul Post

Hello my lovelies! Bit weird I'm writing another post so soon after posting my last, but I looked at the things I could include, and most of the things I've recently purchased have already been given a mention in an older posts this is gonna be a super small haul, much shorter than the haul post I wanted to do but hey ho. 

Just before I start, I just want to say I'm not trying to show off at all because that's not what I do and it's wrong. I do occasional haul posts because some people (like myself) enjoy watching haul videos on YouTube or reading haul blogs as they like to see what's available. (I know everyone says this and it's a bit cheesy or whatever, but I think it's important to say.) This message goes for all my haul posts!

So, lets get started. 

The first thing I bought is an MUA Matte Palette in Ever After. I picked this up because I really wanted to get a new matte palette after restarting my collection and this one looked really pretty. I've got into buying MUA products due to a woman named Louise (Sprinkle of Glitter) where she expressed her positive feelings towards this brand on her YouTube channel a little while ago.Since watching that video I like to buy them and try them out, some I really like but others aren't to great so I grabbed this gorgeous looking palette. The shades Fade, Penny, Chino and Truffle all look like they could be used as brow powders (I'm trying out eyebrow products a lot recently) so this also really gave an added bonus.
I haven't really used this palette yet, but just swiping my finger across the colour proves the pigmentation to be acceptable/decent. I'm really looking forward to using this, and I think because of the versatile colours I'll use it in many different eye looks. 
 Click Here to View Online At SuperDrug

Top Row: (Left - Right) Unwrap, Butter, Bare,Taffeta and Fade.
Bottom Row: (Left - Right) Penny, Chino Truffle, Fog and Smoke.

I then bought a Natural Collection CoverUp Cream Concealer, and mines in fair. I'll be quite honest, this was the first liquid concealer I found in my shade when I popped into my small local Boots, so I bought it.... I wasn't expecting much, but I've been using it everyday for about a week now and I actually really love it. It's coverage is good without being to heavy on your face and I like the consistency too. I would recommend you giving this a try if you're on the look our for a affordable drug store/high street liquid concealer!
Click Here To View Online At Boots

I picked up a Dove purely pampering nourishing lotion, mine's in Almond Cream and Hibiscus  because I'm just always on the look out for a good light lotion. When I this one I loved the packaging, I loved the scent and it was on sale so why not?
They are out of stock online, but Click Here To View It Online At SuperDrug

The last thing I got is just the Simple kind to skin soothing facial toner as I've been loving my simple cleanser and I wanted a new toner. These two Simple products have actually been working very nicely together and I'm now considering whether to get the moisturizer from the same Simple range because I adore both of these products so so much! 
Click Here To View Online At Boots
My Blog Post On The Cleanser

Hope you enjoyed this super long post, check back for more soon!

Update: why I haven't been blogging as often.

Hello my lovelies. Some of you may be wondering why I haven't been blogging anywhere near as much as I used to. Lately, I've been taking major exams which means my main focus is on revising, which is what all my time is going into. Unfortunately, this means I have little time left to write blog posts here on my blog. I was trying to do 1 post per 2-3 days, and I feel like it's approaching a month since I last wrote - so that's the reason. This will probably continue for up to another 3 weeks, and then hopefully I can return my usual schedule for my blog posts and until then I will try to fit one in when it's possible! 

On good note, I have a haul post (I think) coming up in the near future as I've slowly been buying products over time, so I think I'll just put them into one big haul? I'm not quite sure what I've already shown to you, so I'll have to re-read older posts and try to make it work.
Sneaky clue here; Drug Store/ High street brands!

I don't think I can wait much longer to do a proper post, so there may be one coming up sooner than you think, so stay tuned and keep checking back for my next post. Thanks so much for my 800 page views, I think I'm nearly 850 now which is cray cray. 